2 0 2 0 i n r e v i e w

Dinner at Baha Mar

Dinner at Baha Mar

December 2019

We went into the year with a bang. To celebrate Jess’ mom’s 65th birthday, we planned a surprise trip for her to the Bahamas.

Mom thought just her and Jess were going to Florida on a business trip. The night before our departure, it was revealed that the trip was actually to the Bahamas (so she would bring her passport!). That morning, she found out Adam was joining too. But the biggest surprise awaited her once we landed in Nassau — Junior and Nicole were there waiting for her — and the trip was actually all for her!

A tiny guest was also on the trip — Mr. Max, who was in the oven.

We spent a glorious week sightseeing, eating and beaching together.

Exploring the Cloisters

Exploring the Cloisters

Surprise! Happy birthday Mom!!

Surprise! Happy birthday Mom!!

Cheers to Mom!

Cheers to Mom!

Max cooking — around 12 weeks gestation

Max cooking — around 12 weeks gestation


We also took our first trip to Arizona to celebrate our friends Sarah and Atang and the impending arrival of their baby boy. In conjunction with the baby shower, we did a mini-tour of the state, visiting Phoenix, Tuscan and Scottsdale. Aside from the shower, the highlights of the trip were hiking in the desert (dual baby bumps in tow), a lovely spa day in Scottsdale and touring Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter home and desert laboratory, Taliesin West.


The beginning of the year was also the beginning of a new life for our dear friends Nisha and Anwer. We had the great privilege of witnessing this beautiful couple exchange vows. To watch our two dear friends become one was an honor and true joy — a day we will cherish forever.


January 2020


Mama Muro comes to visit

All the way from Tanzania. She fills our home with love.

Great time, as always, with Mama. Lots of dinners at home, Trevor Noah comedy specials, long conversations and a snowstorm. The best way to start the new year — with family.

February 2020

Wintertime, but lots of things in bloom…


Still cooking.


It’s a…Max!


Valentine’s Day love from family and friends.

We spent early winter watching the bun in the oven turn into a tiny loaf. Little did we know what the rest of the year had in store…

March 2020

A day on the lake

A day on the lake

Mohonk Mountain House

Mohonk Mountain House

Pre-dinner bumpin’

Pre-dinner bumpin’

With the onset of Covid, our dream babymoon moved from New Zealand to Mexico to Mohonk Mountain House. Though the locale changed (by several continents), we are so grateful for the time we had together to unplug and reconnect.

April 2020

A socially distant spring

+ a beachball belly = lots of walks in the park


Wedding bells.

During the spring we also welcomed Hawa (“Mwali Heri” or “Bride of Joy”) to the Muro clan. Hawa and Amour (Adam’s little brother) tied the knot in a small but sweet ceremony in Tanzania. Although we could not be there in person, we celebrated their union over Zoom with a champagne toast.

May 2020


Rocking our world

Max Oliver Muro

Born May 21, 2020. Four weeks early (already taking after his Dad).

Max decided to make a prison break at 2am one night several weeks before his due date, taking us by complete surprise. Rushing to the hospital in the middle of the night, we knew our lives would never be the same again.

After 19 hours of labor, lots of screaming, and tears of pain and then sheer joy, Max finally joined us. It was triumphant -we had waited so long for that moment. Needless to say, we’ve been head over heels ever since.

Thanks for making us parents, Max. We love you.

Summer 2020

Bleary eyed and in love.

Our first weeks as new parents overwhelmed us in the best way possible. Our memories are of languishing days in the sun, long walks around the neighborhood, and - of course - sleepless but cozy nights.

Overwhelmingly, our memories are of the countless friends, neighbors and family who all showed up for us in a big way. It was truly humbling to be shown so much love, and for the blessing of a beautiful beginning to parenthood.

You know who you are. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

“I loved [him], instantly. Of course, most parents love their children instantly. But I mention it here because I still find it a remarkable thing. Where was that love before? Where did you acquire it from? The way it is suddenly there, total and complete, as sudden as grief, but in reverse, is one of the wonders about being human.”

How to Stop Time

September 2020

With summer winding down and the colder months approaching, we enjoyed every last bit of warm weather together and with friends.

A visit to LBI, Baby button’s shower, and the arrival of princess Lilla were the highlights of our month.

October 2020

As the leaves turned crimson and fire in New Jersey, we welcomed Junior and Nikki all the way from sunny California. It was their first time meeting baby Max, the tale of so many families in the age of Covid. Having (almost) all our family together was such a joy. We loved spending our days hiking, having long conversations over dinner, and enjoying lots of laughs and quality time.

Ever-growing Max tried (and loved) his first solid food (sweet potatoes!), took his first FaceTime meeting with baby Owen, got to meet his buddy Lilla, and dressed up with mama and dada for Halloween.

Celebrating birthdays, Thanksgiving and everyday joys.


November 2020

December 2020

Lots of time with our favorite person.

A socially distant winter has given us plenty of (mostly cherished) time together. We are enjoying this age: Max is smiley and handsome, has graduated to his highchair, experienced his first snowstorm, and happily sings “mama” and “baba” all day long.

This December also marked 5 years since our big, fat Zanzibari wedding.

Joy to the world

We had the great pleasure of welcoming many babies into our orbit in 2020. Each birth was a ray of sunshine, and we are so grateful that Max will grow up with the love of such an extended community. Congratulations to all of our beloved friends.


Nuri | Nisha + Anwer

Lilla | Mireille + Jeremy

Asher | Jasmine + Yogi

Jason | Sarah + Atang

Owen | Heidi + Greg

Leo | Neil + Paula

Leo | Steph + Luca


Noah | Jenn + Roger

Samantha | Christine + Ephraim

Thomas | April + Igor

Ian | Beatrice + Julius

Gio | Joanne + Jeff

Savannah | Darla + Quentin

What a year…

In a year marked by loss for so many, we were continually reminded of God’s grace and presence. Blessings were and continue to be plentiful, and we are so grateful. Above all, this year put life into sharp focus.

As we move into the next, let’s remember to live deliberately, love generously, and to always, always stock up on Clorox wipes.

We’d love to hear from you.
