Hi! Welcome to our family website. This space is dedicated to our cherished memories, our most important moments, and the people and things that make us smile.

Thanks for visiting.

2 0 2 3 i n r e v i e w

“Don’t go through life, grow through life”

- Eric Butterworth

What a year! Marked by tribulations, reflection, change, and yes - growth - 2023 was a windy road.

In the end we are more tightly woven, and grateful for the lessons learned.

December 2022 / January 2023

The beginning of the year brought together family from near and far. With visitors from Tanzania, St. Louis and local family in NJ, we celebrated the holiday season with lots of cooking, laughs, a day-long blackout (not so fun!) and a little jaunt to NYC. A highlight was getting to meet our sister in law, Hawa, for the very first time (Adam’s brother’s wife) (she’s a darling).

Winter 2023.

Frosty weather brought the chance to prioritize time as a core family. With Aiden nearing half a year old and more alert and active, his relationship with his brother began to blossom. Watching them interact and begin to play together continues to be a joy.


Recipe for beating the winter blues

Celebrate winter birthdays

Take long walks

Welcome a new niece, Zadie

Play in a snowstorm

Continue to grow small humans

Spring 2023

As the weather cleared we spent more time in Jess’ favorite place - outdoors. We decided to try to get in better shape by becoming a “bike family”. We had limited success on the fitness front, but we did have lots of fun!

During this season we also had a visit from our longtime friends Rob and Simone, including the pleasure of meeting their daughter, Sofia.

The spring also brought a celebration of the impending arrival of our niece, Liyana. We celebrated at a beautiful baby shower near Washington Square Park.

Otherwise, we found joy in everyday moments at home.

Getting more mobile (and cuter) by the day

I wanna be just like daddy when I grow up always

Houston, we have a crawler

Bath time is clearly a thing at our house

Hand knit by Bibi (“grandma”) with love

Made it to the double digits!

Mornings with mama

Babu (“grandpa”) in his element

Double trouble bubble butts

New wheels out for a spin!

Quality time with Uncle Bernie

Baby shower time!

Saturday morning selfie

Visit from Uncle Rob and Auntie Simone (featuring Sofia!)

Cousin love

Mama’s munchkin

This year we welcomed the most loving, dedicated, awesome sister/auntie/friend/nanny - Shornee! - into our family



For a Haitian-Tanzanian family, it’s the best time of the year.

Summer got off to an awesome start celebrating Max and Aiden’s birthdays. Aiden turned 1 and Max turned 3. We spent Max’s birthday at the park and wrapped up the day with friends and cake, of course. On Aiden’s birthday weekend we threw a big party for both kids with a larger group of family and friends. We are thankful that so many people took the time to join us.


Party time.

First vacay as a family of 4

Even the moon was embarrassed by the beauty of Barcelona.”

— Andrew Barger

We toured and ate our way through this fantastic city. Highlights included trips to the city’s many public playgrounds, some world class dining experiences, and touring Sagrada Familia (the largest unfinished cathedral in the world).

A whole summer mood


Other summer notables

  • Both of our brothers had their first children, daughters. On Adam’s side is Yumna and on Jess’ side is Liyana.

  • Aiden’s very first haircut

  • A trip to Charlotte to move Jess’ mom to her retirement community

  • We welcomed another niece, Naia. Clearly we are collecting neices (and loving it :)

  • General fun in the sun

Scheming, as usual

This smile

Grandma doing grandma things

First day of summer camp

A cool cat in Charlotte

First haircut

Freshly home from the hospital. Baby Yumna and proud parents.

Welcome, baby Liyana

Introducing princess Naia

It runs in the blood!

The original gang… friends from birth <3

Loving the sun

The rat pack




Fall… into winter…

True to his nickname

We officially have a preschooler (and he is thriving)!

More daring by the day

Gearing up for winter (thanks auntie Francesca!)

Happy birthday Nellie!

A “Lilla bee” and a ninja

Finally a nephew! Welcome to the fam Sebastian.

Fall hikes are the best hikes

Loving the produce of the season

Hanging with Dev and Leo

Total car guys (just like daddy)

His whole personality in one shot

Congrats to our dear friends Joanne & Jeff. What a dinner surprise!

Our sister/auntie Shornee’s birthday

Bibi and her twin

Ferry ride to Manhattan

Chapati lessons with Bibi

The holiday season

That’s a wrap.

Thank you to our family and friends for being our pillars this year. Wishing you a joyous and prosperous 2024.

We’d love to hear from you.
